
Tlen Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM / News: Recent posts

IMPORTANT: Moving to BerliOS !

Tlen Plugin development is slowly moving to BerliOS.
Please visit a new homepage at
or a new project page at

Posted by Piotr Piastucki 2005-02-11

Let's chat !

A new alpha version of Tlen plugin has been released. Tlen plugin v1.0.5.1 contains basic support for multi-user conferences and Tlen group chats. It is now possible to create a new conference room and invite other users or browse existing public chat rooms and join any of them. Registered Tlen logins or temporary nick names can be used in chat rooms.
Moreover a new plugin called MUCC was created, it is responsible for group chats GUI and it is REQUIRED by Tlen plugin.
Tlen and MUCC plugins will evolve over the next several unstable releases and the full group chats support is scheduled for release.
Feature requests are welcome.... read more

Posted by Piotr Piastucki 2004-09-27

Stable version released

Among a lot of improvements added in Tlen Plugin file transfer, vCard editing and new notifications seems to be the most ones. Enjoy !
BTW: A new unstable build with multi-user conferences will be released soon, so stay tuned.

Posted by Piotr Piastucki 2004-09-24

Plugin versions numbering

From now on all plugin releases are numbered as follows:
Stable releases are numbered x.y.z.w, where z is an even number - e.g.
Unstable releases are numbered x.y.z.w too, however z is an odd number - e.g.
According to the new numbering scheme version was bumped to

Posted by Piotr Piastucki 2004-08-24

Tlen plugin at SF - help us to make it better and better !

Tlen plugin is now an independent project at SF. Unstable builds will be released as often as possible.
Please help us to develop and improve the plugin by testing it, reporting bugs and submitting patches. Trackers for bugs/features and patches are set up and we wait for your input. Thanks !

Posted by Piotr Piastucki 2004-08-16