
Multi Threaded Download Accelerator / News: Recent posts

MTDA suspended

Development of MTDA has been suspended for quite some time now - this is the news which announces it officially. I am currently busy with my academic pursuits and my co-developer Luca is unavailable for the time being. I think MTDA will undergo a major philosophy change when it comes back, and come back it will - with a BANG!!

Posted by Saurabh Nanda 2002-11-09

MTDA now in python

Due to various reasons (such as cross-platform compatibilty, rapid development, etc) MTDA will now be coded in python. It will be available as a python module and C++ bindings will be available as well. The default GUI will be either in pyGTK or wxWindows.

Posted by Saurabh Nanda 2002-08-28


MTDA downloads cross another century. 200 downloads and still trickling....

Posted by Saurabh Nanda 2002-08-27


* Check out Luca in the "team" of developers for MTDA!!
* We are planning to modify the libcurl sources to support download acceleration - let's see what we end up doing.
* MTDA will be brimming with activity after one week or so....
* AND Hold your breath for an absolutely new project using mtda/libcurl from us!! I am sure you'll love it - what say luca??

Posted by Saurabh Nanda 2002-07-15

MTDA: shared library now...

MTDA will now be implemented as a shared library. This would make it easier to build GUI's and frontends, and would also help programs which need to download files off the net - just one library call would do the job. See this ehancement in ver 2.0.0 [There would be a default command line client, built using the MTDA library]

Posted by Saurabh Nanda 2002-07-01