
MultiThreaded CLIPS / News: Recent posts

File release

I am ready to stage the following file releases, but am unable to get the ftp uploads working just yet, but I do have a ticket open with the SF Admins to (hopefully) get it fixed soon:
-updated source bundle
-WIN32 static library
-WIN32 tester program (linked statically)

I would like to find someone who can try a build on Linux (or other Unix port) and can stage that as well.

Posted by mark tomlinson 2001-11-15

Bug fixes and other stuff

The COOL bug appears to be resolved. Also added a win32 project for building a static library version and a windows 32-bit test program. The test program is rather primitive and needs to be extended to actually support multiple threads of execution.

Posted by mark tomlinson 2001-11-10

Updates checked in

Mike G. found some updated source that possibly fixes bug #1 (crash loading COOL constructs). I have committed these changes in. We need to build and test.

Posted by mark tomlinson 2001-11-06

Open for help

If you want to see this project advanced and have a few cycles to spare, give us a hand.

Posted by mark tomlinson 2001-03-31

Initial release staged

This is an attempt to build a version of the generic CLIPS source that will allow segmenting workspaces by threads. Each thread will get a clean copy of the CLIPS workspace and can process in parallel.

There are a couple of known bugs in this release, I am making this available so that other developers (with more bandwidth) can help get this finished.

Posted by mark tomlinson 2001-03-11