
Coding Progress

  • anaik100

    anaik100 - 2007-01-28


    I have started writing the java classes that can be the base of our code.
    I am writing codes for individual functionality and then will combine it into single one

      1.) Swing browser - java code to open a swing browser - done
      2.) scanning the users machine for files - in progress

    i will keep on updating once i have something to share...

    • Gav...

      Gav... - 2007-01-29

      Hi Amar,

      Thanks for your efforts so far.

      With regard to scanning users machines for installed web browsers, initially I did this check on Windows Computers by getting the program to search all areas of all hard drives. This worked fine, but it took far too long to execute , and needed really to be done each time the MTBrowser program was run, just in case the user installed a new browser since the last time it ran.

      In the end I changed the way I detected browsers on the users machines by just getting the program to search through the Windows Registry, this was much quicker - only a couple of seconds, so could be run on launch of MTBrowser. I have no ideas at present on how this can be done indepenent of platform, my technique would not work for Linux or MAC for instance.

      I will be interested in seeing how you accomplish this, so looking forward to your results. I can post the code I used if it is any good to you, though it will be C++ .

      When you have some code for us to look at, it will be a good test to see if you can upload it into the SVN area here. I will soon move my code out of the way into a separate branch and any new code from then on we will put directly into the 'trunk' area. let me know when you are ready to do this so we can give it a try.


    • anaik100

      anaik100 - 2007-02-06

      Hi Gav

      I have been busy with my work, so i could not respond back. I agree with your approach.
      I would like work on both the approaches.
        I am sure searching the whole directory will be a tedious process.

      here is something i wanted to know your view.
        - through a linux machine we can access windows folders but i feel the reverse is not true. do you feel folder search will help in this..
        - folder search will be helpful for multiplatform

      I will first get the windows version running then will , update on how to make it independent of OS..

      • Gav...

        Gav... - 2007-03-05

        Amar, haven't heard from you since this post back at the start of February, are things going ok ?

        How are you getting on with any progress.

        Do you have any suggestions for the other developers that have now actively participated in this project?

        If you need any help with anything, please let me know.



    • jay

      jay - 2007-02-13

      hi guys,

      interesting project.
      just an idea about your browser detecting problem.  I'm sure you've thought about it already, though why not get the user to point the app to the browsers, and store the locations of the browsers?
      It's a small & painless task for the user, and saves you trying to search the different filesystems.

      good luck,

      • Gav...

        Gav... - 2007-02-14

        Hi J,

        Yes, I have thought about it, in fact I implemented it as a feature of the old MTBrowser C++ Version for Windows. Although the Registry Search worked fine, there are Browsers out there that don't store their locations in the registry, or if they do not in the normal area. So I added the 'Add Browser' Function to the main menu where they could browse to the program.

        I was rather hoping that I would be able to add it in again in the same way, as a menu item rather than as the core way of finding them. Making a multiplatform version is hard (for me anyway).

        I am wondering whether we should concentrate on getting a full Windows Version working, get it released, and then worry about Linux et al aftewards. I think Amar is doing just that, getting the search function working for Windows. I think we should continue on and develop the rest of it as Windows only for the time being.

        Thoughts ? Amar , what do you think?

        Would posting my C++ code that I used to search the Windows Registry be of any use as a guide ?

        Another thing to remember, if possible, this should be able to perform on Vista also.



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