
Tree [830ce3] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 project 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit
 src 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit
 .gitignore 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit
 LICENSE.txt 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit
 build.sbt 2018-01-19 Gauthier LYAN Gauthier LYAN [830ce3] first commit

Read Me

MT4S - Mutliple Tests 4 Spark

MT4S is an under development framework that allows Scala/Spark developpers to rapidly instantiate tests classes for their Spark applications.

It provides:

- Scalatest Spark ready classes
- Junit Spark ready classes
- DatFrame comparison system
- RDD Comparison system (coming soon)
- Logging system**

How to



This software is distributed under the GNU GPL license.

Copyright © 2018 Gauthier LYAN