
#49 Incorrect Time in Log Entries - Ver 1.10

Alejo S
Bob Perkins

Following posted to msyslog-users list on 7/6/2003:

Using the current CVS HEAD revision (1.266) of
src/syslogd.c, the timestamp of log records doesn't
change for records that are not internally generated.
It starts out repeating the initial timestamp it gets
after the system is booted, but after receiving a HUP
from newsyslog, it starts repeating unprintable
characters as the timestamp.

Jul 5 20:28:41 myhost syslogd: exiting on signal 1
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost syslogd: restart
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost ntpd[26709]: ntpd 4.1.72@1.762-r
Thu Oct 3 05:13:14 MDT 2002 (1)
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost cron[25352]: (CRON) STARTUP
(fork ok)
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost ntpd[26709]: precision = 4.000 usec
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[5019]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[23780]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[29328]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost ntpd[26709]: time set -0.005208 s
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[22081]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[30218]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[22782]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[8336]: (root) CMD
Jul 5 20:29:56 myhost CRON[15188]: (root) CMD
Jul 6 00:00:01 myhost newsyslog[3021]: logfile turned over
<New Log File>
Jul 6 00:00:01 myhost newsyslog[3021]: logfile turned over
Jul 6 00:00:02 myhost syslogd: restart
č^VĐ^@^G^@^@^A^@^@^@^\Ť= myhost CRON[22230]: (root)
CMD (/usr/local/bin/check-daemons)
č^VĐ^@^G^@^@^A^@^@^@^\Ť= myhost CRON[10831]: (root)
CMD (/usr/local/bin/check-daemons)
č^VĐ^@^G^@^@^A^@^@^@^\Ť= myhost CRON[5724]: (root) CMD

Note: /usr/local/bin/check-daemons is run by cron once
per minute. Normal
log entries should look like this:
Jul 6 01:52:01 myhost CRON[1038]: (root) CMD
Jul 6 01:53:02 myhost CRON[2992]: (root) CMD
Jul 6 01:54:01 myhost CRON[16041]: (root) CMD
Jul 6 01:55:01 myhost CRON[16695]: (root) CMD

This problem occurs in syslogd.c because m->date is not
always set in parse_lines. The following patch is one
way to solve this problem:
--- src/syslogd.c.orig Tue Jun 17 12:35:55 2003
+++ src/syslogd.c Sun Jul 6 10:37:40 2003
@@ -842,9 +842,11 @@
if ((p = strptime(&buf[b], "%b %d
%H:%M:%S %Y ", &m->tm)) == NULL)
p = strptime(&buf[b], "%b %d
%H:%M:%S ", &m->tm);

- if (p != NULL)
+ if (p != NULL) {
b = p - buf;
- else
+ strftime(m->date,
sizeof(m->date), "%b %e %H:%M:%S", &m->tm);
+ m->fields |= M_FIELD_DATE;
+ } else




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