
mstor / News: Recent posts

[ANNOUNCE] mstor code repository migrated to github

The latest code repository for mstor now resides on github here:

For now sourceforge will continue to be used for file releases and forums.


Posted by Ben Fortuna 2013-06-16

[ANNOUNCE] mstor 0.9.13

This release will include quite a few changes since 0.9.12. There may be significant regressions introduced in this release so use with caution.

The primary purpose of the release is to manage the change of Maven group ID for uploading to Maven central repository.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2011-09-25

[ANNOUNCE] Mercurial SCM

Source control has now been migrated to Mercurial. Click the Code/Mercurial menu above for details.

This migration to a distributed version control system should create a better environment for developing, forking and providing fixes for mstor.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2011-09-24

mstor: Alpha release (0.9.12)

mstor is an extensible framework for JavaMail local store providers. By default mstor provides support for the mbox email storage format and Java Content Repositories (JCRs).

A new release of mstor is now available. Notable features of this release are:

- a new minimum requirement of Java 5. Mstor now uses generics and enums from Java 5.

- improved support for Java Content Repository (JCR) storage... read more

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2009-03-03

mstor - Alpha release (0.9.11)

This release of mstor sees a number a major changes including:

- refactoring of the connector architecture to support multiple mail repository store types (initially will support mbox and JCR repositories)

- improvements to mbox parsing to eliminate phantom messages

- improved unit testing framework for better test coverage

This is quite a significant release and I would encourage mstor users to upgrade for improved data integrity with mbox stores.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2008-03-05

mstor - Alpha release (0.9.10)

After many months of neglect a new release of mstor is now available. Notable additions to this release are support for UID+ folders and some critical bug fixes regarding lost messages. This release is also the first mstor release fully supported by a maven build process.

Feel free to submit bug reports and ask questions via the forums.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2007-05-29

mstor - Alpha release (0.9.8)

The latest release of mstor is now available.

Notable in this release is support for message tags (similar to GMail Labels) and SearchTerm persistence (so you can save your queries).

As usual any problems and/or feedback should be directed to the forums.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2006-05-17

mstor - Interim release (0.9.7)

Release 0.9.7 of mstor is now available.

This release sees the resolution of a bug where folder content was not being updated correctly after appending messages. Better event notification is also provided in this release.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2005-08-16

mstor - Interim release (0.9.6)

Release 0.9.6 of mstor is now available.

The primary purpose of this release is to resolve a bug introduced with 0.9.5 that rendered most of mstor's functionality incorrect. In addition there are some other minor fixes included - see the CHANGELOG for details.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2005-06-16

mstor - Interim release (0.9.4)

Version 0.9.4 of the mstor JavaMail provider is now available. This release includes a number of changes that have been made to the way mstor handles all aspects of mail handling, from encoding to file access and memory management.

Most of the changes have been available in the CVS repository for a little while now, and I am just now getting around to providing a new release.

Please let me know if you experience any problems with this release.... read more

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2005-05-15

mstor - CVS repository merge

When I first started developing mstor I was using a local CVS repository prior to release on Since making use of the public CVS repository provided by SourceForge I have been trying to maintain the local CVS and the SourceForge CVS through the use of patches (cvsdiff).

I've now decided to finally merge the two repositories together and just rely on the SourceForge repository. What this means is that the SourceForge CVS will now be even more up to date, and I can hopefully get some more feedback on yet-to-be-released features/fixes. ... read more

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2005-03-18

mstor - Maven support

Support for maven repositories is now available. I have submitted the bundle for upload to ibiblio so it should be available shortly.

The maven bundle is available at:

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2005-01-11

mstor - Interim release (0.9.3)

Its been a while since the last release so I thought I'd better provide an update and let everyone know what a pain in the a*** JavaMail is! :)

Problem 1: java.nio doesn't seem to work on Windows 98

Ok, so its not a JavaMail issue but its still annoying. To combat this problem I've added some error handling to MboxFile to resort to using a RandomAccessFile where java.nio doesn't work.

Problem 2: Stop JavaMail loading a message just to get header information... read more

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-12-21

mstor - Headers metadata support

My apologies for neglecting mstor for so long, but hopefully this will make up for it: headers support in metadata.

The idea is to provide header data without loading the message. Hopefully this will reduce the memory usage without impacting on performance.

Metadata now appears to require a little less than 10% of actual mailbox space - perhaps a little high but we may be able to tweak this a little by only storing headers we are interested in.... read more

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-11-19

mstor - Public CVS now available

mstor is now available via CVS.

Please feel free to provide CVS diff files based on this repository and I'll review and update as soon as possible.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-11-01

mstor - Maintenance Release (0.9.2_01)

Version 0.9.2_01 is now available. This release is identical to 0.9.2 except that its built with JDK 1.4.2 for compatibility with pre-1.5 JVMs.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-10-13

mstor - Interim Release (0.9.2)

Version 0.9.2 of mstor has now been released. The main focus of this release is the addition of support for folders containing both messages and subfolders.

After some deliberation I've decided to implement this support in a compatible way to that used by the popular Mozilla Thunderbird. This will hopefully maintain compatibility with a large number of pre-existing mailboxes.

Thanks also to Paul Legato and Michael G. Kaiser for their valued input to this release.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-10-05

mstor - Interim Release (0.9.1)

After much delay, some "decoupling", and a bit of luck, version 0.9.1 of mstor has now been released.

This release probably doesn't warrant such an extended gap between releases, however it does provide some much needed improvements with regard to mstor's metadata.

There is, however, much more work needed to be done on mstor's data integrity, so hopefully in the next release or two we'll have a more stable JavaMail provider.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-09-02

mstor - Initial Release (0.9)

mstor, a JavaMail local store provider has now been released. The initial release supports reading and writing mbox and metadata files and rudimentary message caching.

Whilst I wouldn't suggest entrusting mstor with any critical data just yet, this release provides insight as to the future potential of the JavaMail provider.

Posted by Ben Fortuna 2004-07-14