
Problems with Mstone Setup


    SAROUKH - 2009-07-03

    I am new on Mstone and I try to install and  to configure Mstone.
    I use 2 virtual machines one considered like test master machine and other like client
    When I dezipped the file in both the two machines, I run ./Mstone config and I choose some test configurations, after that I run ./Mstone setup to push the configuration in the client machine this is what appears:

    [test@master mstone-4.9.4]$ ./mstone setup
    ls: ne peut accéder build: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
    No support for Linux2.6_x86 and nothing similar
    which: no gnuplot in (/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/                                  lib/qt4/bin:/home/test/bin)
    WARNING: No packaged version of gnuplot and no local version
            Operation may be severely limited
    ln: création d'un lien symbolique `./mailclient': Le fichier existe
    ln: création d'un lien symbolique `./getdist': Le fichier existe
    Netscape Mailstone.
    Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Netscape Communications Corp.

    Found these message files:
    en-17k.msg en-1k.msg en-20k.msg en-2k.msg en-32k.msg en-3k.msg en-5k.msg en-750.msg en-gif-17k.msg gr-3k.msg nu-5k.msg words-ascii.dat
    test@'s password:
    Copying bin/mailclient and message files to
    test@'s password:
    bin/mailclient: No such file or directory
    bin/ scp -q bin/mailclient data/en-17k.msg data/en-1k.msg data/en-20k.msg data/en-2k.msg data/en-32k.msg data/en-3k.msg data/en-5k.msg data/en-750.
    msg data/en-gif-17k.msg data/gr-3k.msg data/nu-5k.msg data/words-ascii.dat
       exited abnormally with code 1
    test@'s password:
    chmod: cannot access `mailclient': No such file or directory
    Linux client1 #1 SMP Mon Apr 20 20:10:24 EDT 2009 i686 Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8212 GNU/Linux


    • Dan Christian

      Dan Christian - 2009-07-03

      I can only read the english parts, and I suspect that is part of the problem.

      First, having the client on a VM isn't required.  Putting the client on a separate machine helps to isolate it from the loading effects of the master.  You can have the master also act as a client.  You can just setup a "client" of "localhost".

      Independent of that, I see 3 problems:

      It can't find binaries for your machine type.  The "No support for...." line is the indicator.  Did you build this from the latest build or subversion sources?  You'll need the 4.9.4 or subversion sources for Linux-2.6 support.

      It might be having trouble because uname is returning something in a non-english locale (sorry, mstone has never been localized).  Setup is trying to create links in 'bin' to the proper binaries.  You may try doing "export LANG=C" before running setup (this is from memory, I can't test right now).

      It can't find gnuplot.  Does it exist on your system?  If not, install it or build it so that you can get graphs of the results.  If it does exist, then we need to figure out why "which gnuplot" isn't working.

      You want to setup ssh keys so that the master can ssh to the client without checking for a password.  Without this, there can be problems with timing, and you will get tired to typing passwords by hand.

      I hope this helps.



      SAROUKH - 2009-07-03

      Thanks for ur reply
      I will try it now and tell u what does not work
      you are an angel (frrench expression) which means that like angels u can rescue people!!!!


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