
#2 Add MSGViewer to Open With menu in linux DE

Jason Pell

Please add a %U to the end of the Exec line in the desktop file for the linux rpm.

I can confirm that the following post does indeed allow the MSGViewer to be found in the Open With menu.

1 Attachments


  • Jason Pell

    Jason Pell - 2015-09-09

    I have created a PR on github with some additional enhancements to get KDE, Gnome, Mate (all freedesktop compliant DE should work) to auto associate MSGViewer with .msg files. All .msg files will also have the MSGViewer icon.

    Obviously you can't accept this PR, but please let me know if you are interested in a patch for this functionality and how I can best provide it.

  • King Leo (Martin Oberzalek)

    This is great! I was always wondering how I can preset the mime type settings, but didn't found a doku about that. And I was not sure if anyone else is using the linux rpm. I can grab a patch by myself from github. I'll inform you a soon I've testet that. (This may will take a while. If you have a working rpm sooner, just send it to me and I'll publish it.)

  • Jason Pell

    Jason Pell - 2015-09-09

    I actually converted it to a deb using alien :-)


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