
MSEide+MSEgui 1.4.beta1 released

MSEide+MSEgui version 1.4beta1 has been released:

New in 1.4:
- Compiles with FPC 2.0.4, 2.1.5 and (hopefully) 2.2.
- tsqlresult, a SQL result set which does not inherit from tdataset
for fast readonly unidirectional data access.
- tsqllookupbuffer, a lookupbuffer to be connected to tsqlresult.
- ZeosLib components.
- tgdiprinter for win32 GDI printing.
- topenglwidget with an OpenGL render context.
- Procedure unidrawstring to render unicode text with automatically
selecting glyphs from other fonts for unsupported code points in the
base font (Xft only).
- tchart and tchartrecorder, components to draw xy charts.
- Build system extended to be used with non FPC compilers.
- Some bug fixes and many small improvements.

Please send questions and bug reports to:


Posted by Martin Schreiber 2007-08-19

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