
First release of Spectre

After working for six months by a team of 8 students of the Urecht University (Netherands) dept. of computer science and the Netherlands proteomics centre, the 1.0 version release of Spectre is finished. This will (hopefully) be the kick-off for a open source community to develop and create a freeware tool for analysis of lc-ms(ms) data of multiple experiments. This tool currently allows the visualization of lc-ms(ms) runs via the import of raw files converted to mzXML (download converters for all file formats at:\). It compares multiple runs, does peak detection/peak alignment and exports peptide ratio's. Several filters have been implemented.

We are currently setting up a CVS for further development of spectre by a larger community.
Spectre has ben set up as a highly modular program with good documentation making it (rather) easy to add and implement new filters, tools etc. PLEASE JOIN US..

Spectre Team.

Posted by Dr. Ir. B. van Breukelen 2006-07-17

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