
MS-Spectre: quantitative LC-MS analysis / News: Recent posts

Release of spectre 2.0

After long development, finally a new version of spectre has been released. It contains a fully customizable peak detection and peak matching algorithm and a much more efficient program architecture.

Posted by Pieter van Ede 2007-07-02

First release of Spectre

After working for six months by a team of 8 students of the Urecht University (Netherands) dept. of computer science and the Netherlands proteomics centre, the 1.0 version release of Spectre is finished. This will (hopefully) be the kick-off for a open source community to develop and create a freeware tool for analysis of lc-ms(ms) data of multiple experiments. This tool currently allows the visualization of lc-ms(ms) runs via the import of raw files converted to mzXML (download converters for all file formats at:\). It compares multiple runs, does peak detection/peak alignment and exports peptide ratio's. Several filters have been implemented.... read more

Posted by Dr. Ir. B. van Breukelen 2006-07-17