
Custom metadata in hud

Gabor Toth
  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-07-15

    currently there is option to display some metadata (exr or jpg) when turning on "attributes" in hud menu, but it does not display all metadata that the file contains. It would be great if we could pass custom metadata attribute name(s) to display. To be more specific, I write out jpgs with some exif data from nuke, I would like to see displayed in mrviewer. I could use exif like FlashPixVersion (exif/2/FlashPixVersion, don't ask why but nuke likes this tag) or maybe UserComment (exif/2/UserComment is the key in nuke).
    The best would be to make this to display any jpg exif or exr parameter. Like in preferences I can set key1 to exif/UserComment, key 2 to exif/FlasPixVersion, key3 to whatever, and I could turn them on in the hud.
    The cherry on top would be to include some custom label with them (like to display "comment: blabla" , and not just "Exif/UserComment: blabla"), but that is not so important.
    I hope it make sense. I attached a sample jpg with the two mentioned exif data set to some string.


  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-07-16

    Another idea, that could be useful, and might be implemented more easily, is to give custom key:value pair arguments as launched from command line, and display those in hud.


  • ggarra13

    ggarra13 - 2021-07-17

    Currently, mrViewer displays ALL metadata that it finds in the file, according to its own exr loader, OIIO / ImageMagick / FFmpeg. The image you sent as a sample does not seem to contain any additional metadata other than what you see in mrViewer's HUD. It seems that if nuke saves that metadata is currently saving it in a non-standard way. Can you send an EXR file with the metadata you want displayed (that should be more standardized )?

  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-07-20

    Hi, thanks for your answer. With exr, mrviewer displays the metadata that is needed, so that's okay. I just needed jpg metadata, which is in the sample, (exiftool can read it) but we can solve it probably some other way. So my questions are:
    - can we set some metadata keys in prefs, to display them separately in hud, because with attributes hud turned on, in exr a whole page of metadata is visible, but we need just a few custom key of them.
    - the command line idea is doable? If we provide some metadata key:value pairs on launch, that way we can display extra data to any format, like jpg.
    I attach now a sample exr, n_comment, and n_layers are the important keys in metadata, if needed.


    • ggarra13

      ggarra13 - 2021-07-22
      • can we set some metadata keys in prefs, to display them separately in hud, because with attributes hud turned on, in exr a whole page of metadata is visible, but we need just a few custom key of them.

      Yes for exrs, no for jpegs.

      • the command line idea is doable? If we provide some metadata key:value pairs on launch, that way we can display extra data to any format, like jpg.

      No, as I mentioned I cannot get to the jpg metadata at all.

  • ggarra13

    ggarra13 - 2021-07-22

    I opened the jpg file with exiftool and could not locate the comments tag, Can you please provide a sample of the exiftool command used to return the data in the first jpeg you sent me?

  • ggarra13

    ggarra13 - 2021-07-22

    Also, your sample exr file seems to be broken.

  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-07-23

    Hi, thanks for the replies!
    I attached the screenshot with exiftool on the first jpg. (From Command is like "exiftool(-k).exe" C:\Temp\Metadatatest.1201.jpg"
    I downloaded my exr sample, it opens on my side, maybe a bit misleading that it is just a black frame :) Only important is the metadata in it, like "n_comment", and "n_layers" which are displayed correctly in mrviewer.
    The command line version: there might be a misunderstanding, it's not needed the be anything in the file, I meant that the extra data is provided as command line arguments on launch, for that session only, so it is not stored on disk. This way there is no need to fiddle with jpg metadata. It's just for displaying extra string datas in hud. I hope that makes sense.


  • ggarra13

    ggarra13 - 2021-07-23

    Now I follow you. Sorry about the .exr. It was fine, but I was working on a Mac and the download protection prevented me from opening it. The attributes.on the command line should be doable, but it will take some time of coding it.
    However, at least on mac, I cannot see the extra attributes on the .jpg with exiftool. I currently have. my linux/windows box on repair so I cannot test with them.

  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-07-30

    Hi, no problem! It's strange that the exiftool is different on a mac.
    But if the commandline mode would work, and/or the exr custom key display, than the exif is not needed.


  • ggarra13

    ggarra13 - 2021-07-31

    The latest mrViewer can add (-A key=value) pairs to those already displayed in the HUD. It can also -R (replace) all metadata except for those keys in the command-line.

  • Gabor Toth

    Gabor Toth - 2021-08-02

    Great, thank you! Works as expected!
    Please append the "-A key=value" information to readme.txt because without "=" it doesn't add the data.

    Thanks again,


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