
MRailSim / News: Recent posts

Updated web site

The look of the web site has changed!

I'm using a content management system for providing informations and screenshots on the web site.

Please have a look at

Posted by Bernd A. 2007-09-08

More complex track map

Added a track map with a total of 95 tracks and 104 nodes. Two trains are driving on two independent circles though connected by switches. The switch changing buttons will be added in a future release.

Check out the screenshot at and the current subversion revision 221.

Posted by Bernd A. 2007-08-01

Doing well in Java

I think... All tracks I wanted to implement are implemented. A very basic GUI is available and a train can be watched driving around.

Have a look at version, alpha 5. There are several zipped files, available for download here:

Posted by Bernd A. 2007-07-26

Trying Java now

Trying to create Java classes now. I won't develop the C++ files any more. Anyway, the old C++ files will still be available in the download area.

Posted by Bernd A. 2007-07-11

Experimental Release available

A new version of MRailSim is available for experimental use. In version is a graphical view of the tracks and the train implemented. I called it experimental release because not all components are up to date yet. For example, the Readmes do not reflect the new functions yet.


The packages are available in the formats .zip, .tar.bz2, and .tar.gz.

Posted by Bernd A. 2004-11-04

Switches are supported now [0.1.06]

You can now define tracks and switches in version 0.1.06. The current example of 0.1.06 has six tracks and two switches. A documentation / picture of the tracks will soon in the next few days.

You can download the updated documentation.
Have a look in the files tracks_3.png and USAGE.

The program will abort if you change a switch while there is still a train on it. This differs from the documentation.
Version 0.1.07.... read more

Posted by Bernd A. 2004-09-15