
MQweb / News: Recent posts

MQWeb v0.0.9 released

MQWeb v0.0.9 is released. Get all information on

Posted by Franky Braem 2014-03-03

MQWeb v0.0.8 released

Today MQWeb v0.0.8 is released. This release contains a dashboard page for your queuemanager and a channel(status) page.

Posted by Franky Braem 2013-10-31

Repository moved to github

The code has been moved to github: You can find it here:

Posted by Franky Braem 2012-11-19

0.0.7 released

Today 0.0.7 was released: added support to browse messages from z/OS, the JSON library is now part of POCO, ...

Posted by Franky Braem 2012-11-13

MQWeb 0.0.4 released

With this release you can view the content of the message in hex format.
See the screenshots for an example.

Posted by Franky Braem 2010-12-02

Release 0.0.3

Today version 0.0.3 is released. Multiple requests resulted in mq rc 2219 (MQRC_CALL_IN_PROGRESS) or mq rc 2002 (MQRC_ALREADY_CONNECTED)

Posted by Franky Braem 2010-11-23