MQNIC ( Message Queue NIC ) Virtual Link Layer
The Message Queue NIC project provides a virtual link layer for qemu/kvm based
virtual machines. The virtual link layer provides transport using the
Apache ActiveMQ message server or other message bus and eliminates the
need for external IP infrastructure to support VM deployments.
Based on the ivshmem technology originally developed by Cam Macdonell
the mqnic drivers use zero copy vm<->host data transfers and the apache
message server to provide low latency, high bandwidth IP support for
virtual data centers while simplifying the provisioning of hosted IP.
Because the Message Queue NIC appears as a standard IP device on the target
machine the integration of MQNIC and traditional IP routing is completely
managed by the standard IP routing tools and infrastructure.
Transport security is handled by the MQ server which supports multiple
levels of encryption and authentication.
mqnic - virtual link layer for qemu/kvm
Low latency, high bandwidth IP for virtual machines
Status: Pre-Alpha
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