
MQManager / News: Recent posts

MQManager.NET version

MQManager.NET is a tool for managing Microsoft Message Queues. This version is a minor bugfix release.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2009-02-17

MQManager.NET version 0.5

The MQManager.NET development team has a belated christmas present, version 0.5. Development has stagnated in the past few weeks, but there two big features since the last release that we wanted to get out.

The first new feature is integration with XML Visualizer V2 ( This is useful for examing complex xml messages. The second is counts of messages in a queue currently.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-12-27

MQManager.NET version 0.4.1

I forgot to give attribution for TreeViewAdv, so I created an about box. I also added a dialog to allow you to list the queues on any host.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-12-02

MQManager.NET version 0.4

Continuing our "release early release often" pattern, we have released version 0.4 of MQManager.NET. This is the first formal release to incorporate TreeVIewAdv. You now can browse your local computer for MSMQs.
The next release will allow you to browser any computer for MSMQs.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-12-01

MQManager now uses the TreeViewAdv control

as of 2008-11-28, MQManager supports browsing of the MSMQs on locahost via a TreeViewAdv control. Version 0.4 will be the first release to incorporate this feature. In the mean time grab the source from SVN. The SVN repository currently links to the TreeViewAdv repository. TreeViewAdv is a greatly improved version of the .NET TreeNode that implements the Model View Controller pattern. For more invormation about TreeViewAdv please go to

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-11-29

MQManager developer roadmap in subversion

As part of the attempts to improve MQManager.NET, the project leadership has written a Developer Roadmap. It is available in the projects subversion repository. To read the latest version of the file point your browser to Development Roadmap.doc

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-11-29

MQManager v0.3 Released

MQManager.NET is an application for browsing Microsoft Message Queues (MSMQs). Version 0.3 has just been released on 2008-11-23. It can be downloaded at

While still alpha software, MQManager has made some great improvements in terms of usability. Anyone who has tried MQManager in the past should really try this version.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-11-24

MQManager 0.2 released

On 2008-11-18 version 0.2 of MQManager was released. This was the first release by new project maintainer Justin Dearing. The project is now a .NET 2.0 project.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-11-24

New project maintainer

Hello folks. My name is Justin Dearing. I would like to announce that David H. DeWolf has turned this project over to me as of 2008-11-12. Expect a series of new releases in the short term as well as more solid plans for this project. I am looking to attract more users and developers to this project. If you have any interest in this project, please reach out to me through the forums or contact me directly.

Posted by Justin Dearing 2008-11-24

MQManager 0.1-ALPHA_1 Released

MQManager provides a graphical user interface for managing message queues. In this initial release, MQManager supports previewing, retrieving, forwarding, and deleting messages from MSMQ. MQManager is a C# .Net project. MQManager is available at

Posted by David H. DeWolf 2005-11-16