
Mptn pattern matching library / News: Recent posts

Mptn 0.3.0

Mptn 0.3.0 is released. As usual, there are a couple of bug fixes. Also, API changed: pointers to mptn_var_t have been replaced by GArrays everywhere. Sorry, I needed it.

Posted by George Bronnikov 2000-03-10

Mptn 0.2.1

Bugfix release. Should be more stable and less leaky.

Posted by George Bronnikov 2000-03-02

Mptn 0.2 released

Version 0.2 of Mptn pattern matching library is released.
The main (and almost only) change is the addition of MzScheme bindings.

Posted by George Bronnikov 2000-02-21

Mptn 0.1 release

I have just released the first public version. The web site is up , it has some documentation (rather rough though). Welcome, download it, compile, and tell me how much you dislike it!

Posted by George Bronnikov 2000-02-11