
#47 make check1 tries to run missing tests


make check1 runs several tests that do not exist. The make check1 output for the problematic tests follows:

orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt0sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt1can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt1gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt0sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt0can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt0gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt0can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt0gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt1can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt0sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt0gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt1gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt1sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt0can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt0gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt1sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2006311ppgssc2vt1sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt1sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt1can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v1006311ppgssc2vt1gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt0can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2lb006311ppgssc2vt1gs: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt0sym: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed
orthog_ch2mp2v2006311ppgssc2vt1can: missing failed cannot compare since one calc failed



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