
MPages Commons: Open MPage Development / News: Recent posts

LPCH's Video Demo - Before And After MPages

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video put out by Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford demonstrating their new MPages GenView Rounds tab as compared to the previous RTF version. Most impressively, this video show how a patient's REAL-TIME bedside monitor can be accessed from ANYWHERE over the web in a single click from the patient's chart! ... read more

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-05-06

CCL as a Service MPages example now available for download!!

This release provides a working example of an MPage built using the CCL as a Service architecture. It demonstrates all the basic principles needed to start building Cerner MPages using XMLCclRequest to make AJAX calls and the CCLS model. This MPage will create a custom set of icons for each patient that link to external web resources relative to that patient's chart.

Get it now at the MPages Commons website:... read more

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-05-06

mPages Library Version 0.5.2 Released!

Version 0.5.2 of the mPages Javascript Library is out!

By popular demand, the prettyJSON function has been made public and is now a method of mPages!

Get it now at:

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-05-01

mPages: JavaScript Library Public Beta Released!

The initial public release of the mPages JavaScript Library has finally been posted for download! The mPages Framework simplifies and streamlines client-side development in MPages. This release includes XMLCclRequest, which brings AJAX functionality to MPages, allowing full use of the "CCL as a Service" (CCLS) architecture. Get mPages here:

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-04-22

MPage Conference Presentations Available for Public Download

The PowerPoint presentations from the MPages Developers Conference, held on Monday, March 30th at the University of Washington in Seattle are now available for public download on the MPages Commons website. The files are available in PDF or PowerPoint format and can be downloaded separately or in a single zip file.

The presentations can be downloaded from: ... read more

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-04-19

MPages Conference - Monday, March 30, 2009

The first MPages (Cerner Millennium Pages) Conference will be hosted by the MPages Commons in Seattle, Washington at the Harborview Medical Center on Monday, March 30, 2009 from 8:00am to 5:00pm PST.

There will be clinical and technical sessions focusing on the possible applications of the MPages technologies as well as shared sessions, all with the common goal of forming an open community of MPage developers building upon a common, extensible, open-source framework.... read more

Posted by Joshua H. Faulkenberry 2009-03-19