Philip Hendrix - 2014-10-30

When merging GoPro MP4 files, I get a wrong end time. GoPro creates files of almost 4GB for each 17minutes, so when recording 37 minutes, I have 2 files of 17min (3,8GB) and 1 file of 3min (650MB). After merging these 3 files, the end result says I have a video of 8,5 GB which should be correct, but the time says 52 mintes (3 times 17 min). These files are all from recording handball games so I have 2 files, for each half one. When merging the two files of each half to have one file for the whole game, the video skips 14 minutes at the point where the files where joined.
The total times of the games says 144minutes in stead of 74 minutes.
See attached image.

Any idea ??



Last edit: Philip Hendrix 2014-10-30