
MP3Serve / News: Recent posts

MP3Serve Update

Yes, this project is still being maintained, and even developed. :-) It has been a while, and I must admit, not as much has been done as I would've liked. Hopefully, I'll have something up soon.

Posted by Sean 2001-08-18

MP3Serve 2.0

After some detailed analysis of the MP3Serve/RIMPS code, I've decided to halt MP3Serve, until I release version 2.0. The reason? I've had some problems with the exisiting code, with the way it works. My goal with MP3Serve 2.0 is to make the database structure truly relational, meaning that, once something is entered, it should never have to be entered again. This will lead to more accuate statistics, and, more importantly, more accurate searches. This development could take a while; please be patient, as this will result in a much better MP3Serve for everyone. Once done, I will suggest my DB code be implemented into RIMPS.

Posted by Sean 2001-04-03

Added Subprojects

I've added subprojects to help me add database support, as well as features. Hopefully, Oracle support will be added pretty fast, though I don't have access to an Oracle machine for testing; mSQL, DB2, and Sybase SQL support is planned, but I'm not sure when that will be released. Also, I'm working on uploading/downloading capabilities, in addition to improving the streaming capability already present. Expect to have to wait a while to see those features; that will have to be extremely stable, before I release that. Enjoy!

Posted by Sean 2001-03-15

MP3Serve 1.03 Delayed

I hate to do this, but, MP3Serve 1.03 is officialy delayed! I found an obscure problem right before I was going to post the tarball, so I'm working on fixing it right now. It might take me until the weekend to fix it, but, I'll get it right!

Posted by Sean 2001-03-15

New Release, New Site Coming Soon!

MP3Serve 1.03 will be released this weekend; just some minor interface changes, but, I advise you to upgrade; some things just work "better" :-). I'm also working hard on the MP3Serve web site, while working on <>, and trying to keep my job as a IT manager, so please be patient with me! :-) If you ever have any questions about MP3Serve, please feel free to e-mail me at I know MP3Serve like the Palm in my hand!

Posted by Sean 2001-03-10

MP3Serve 1.02 Released

MP3Serve 1.02, the first public release of MP3Serve was made today. MP3Serve is a derivative of RIMPS, but MP3Serve incorporates a different standard interface, and some labels have been changed as well. MP3Serve is also more modularized than RIMPS, in the sense that much more can be changed in the configuration files, without needing to change PHP code. As of 8:48 PM EST, 3/4/2001, I havn't be able to post the tarball, but, hopefully, it will be up soon.

Posted by Sean 2001-03-05