
Mp3doer 0.1

Added mp3doer to sourceforge. Commited code to the svn repository, and uploaded a jar with the 0.1 version.

TODO list:
- get album art when it is missing
- complete setup window (store setup in a ini file)
- add open target dir button
- add why? button > shown window with a little help + contact
- add a 'done' message (for 3 secs) in the main window
- stuff to be configurable:
- target dir
- use month dir
- show logs during operation
- support for compilation albuns + album artist tag
- when only two artists are recognized, use "artist1 & artist2" as album artist
- what about soundtracks + OST + BSO?
- decorate window?

Posted by moonboy 2010-12-13

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