
MowSaik - mosaic creator / News: Recent posts

Development definitley stopped

As you may have noticed, there hasn't been much development lately. I'm sorry to say there won't be any in the future (for this project). There are far too many problems to proceed on this basis. For example .net is too slow for the graphics operations needed here, I chose the wrong colorspace from the beginning and in the meantime there are programs who do match the edges correctly within single tiles (holy ...).
When I got time again, I'm gonna rewrite it from scratch and add such neat features too .. someday.

Posted by Eric Böhmler 2010-05-30

Coming soon

A multithreaded creation of the mosaic is planned for the near future. This will speed up the process on multicore CPUs.

I'm also rechecking the code for unnecessary waste of memory (since the garbage collector isn't working the way I want).

Posted by Eric Böhmler 2007-03-25


Translated everything to English. The code may still contain German comments

Posted by Eric Böhmler 2007-03-14

First release

Hi. Today this project got approved and so I uploaded the latest version. Try it out.
Any feedback or help is welcome.

Soon to come:
- English translation
- improvement of the algorithm
- additional features for the picture library
- many more

Posted by Eric Böhmler 2007-03-12