
Streaming Movies over Lan?

MoviX Box
  • Dominic Stefani

    Dominic Stefani - 2003-10-27

    Hello, Ill build my own MoviX box based on CF Cards in an Slimline PC. So, it is possible to play/stream Movies (and perhaps MP3) with MoviX over Lan? This could be Samba or NFS.


    • Roberto De Leo

      Roberto De Leo - 2003-10-28

      yes, you can do that with either samba of NFS
      at this stage I suggest you to use MoviX rather than MoviX2 because, even though it has a rougher look, it has a menu for easy mount of remote dires

    • PrOfUnD Darkness

      Do you think a 802.11b WiFi has enough bandwich to stream a video from a samba/nfs share?

      I'm building a Movix box to my living room, but I want to access my main PC on my room upstars.

      • Roberto De Leo

        Roberto De Leo - 2003-11-07

        The best solution would be just trying :-)
        Roughly speaking, since a divx movie is ~600MB and its duration is ~1h then you need a network able to transmit at least 600MB/3600s ~ 200 KB/s.
        I think this is doable by a 802.11b WiFi but it depends on many factors so try this out and report!

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2003-12-02

        I made some experiences playing movies via 802.11b networks. I tried to play movies on my notebook from a samba share via WLAN. No chance !! Video and audio are not synchronous and playing stops ever 5-6 seconds. (Access Point and Notebook are just 3 meters away from each other!) I upgraded to a linksys 802.11g system and now playing movies works. The only problem  is to find some drivers for linux....

  • Nathan Mark

    Nathan Mark - 2021-02-16

    Rainiertamayo is a very famous internet video streaming site that allows free watching of films and television shows. Rainiertamayo is an aspect of a Rainierland site, providing different content as well. On Rainiertamayo, complete-length films can be found free of charge in the best quality video. Given its latest material, which gets in good quality, people love this place.

  • Nathan Mark

    Nathan Mark - 2021-02-24

    Here is the alternatives list for rainiertamayo. Thank me later! ;)

  • Levi Smith

    Levi Smith - 2021-04-13

    popcorntime is a good option to watch free movies.

  • Levi Smith

    Levi Smith - 2021-04-19

    The best alternatives to watch movies and tv shows for free.


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