
adms / News: Recent posts

adms-2.3.5 release


Change license to GPLv3.

Add new simplified constants.vams and discplines.vams.
Tested to work with models currently in use by Qucs, Ngspice, Xyce and Gnucap.
Whenever these headers are used, adms informs the user about the
availability of the standard headers at:

Remove non-GPL constants.vams and disciplines.vams headers.
These files are copyright of Accellera. With the LRM v2.4.0 updated versions
of these files are freely accessible. However modification is not allowed.
Hence, these files are not GPL and should not be included in adms.... read more

Posted by Guilherme 2016-02-06

adms-2.3.4 release


  • able to parse BSIM6, BSIMCMG (107.0.0)
  • merge patches from WRspice
  • preprocessorLex.l:
    • remove print to screen of disciplines.vams
    • Change string recognition to allow embedded \" as literal quote
    • Capture quoted string containing line continuation character \
    • avoid spurious fatal error from an included file which last line contains
      onlywhite space.
  • preprocessorYacc.y:
    • fix BSIM6 parse problem, string macro arg broken by continuator
      caused 'unexpected end-of-line' error.
  • verilogLex.l:
    • Change string recognition to allow embedded \" as literal quote
  • admsXml.c:
    • update website address on info message
    • turn error on verbose message for mismatched assignments (WRspice)
Posted by Guilherme 2014-08-27

adms-2.3.3 release


  • adms.implitic.xml
    • add all standard functions and transcendental functions (LRM v2.3.1)
    • add $limit function, used in Xyce
  • fixed CMake build system:
    • enabled config.h reader configuration, checks for HAVE_ defines used on
      the generated source code.
    • added module to search for Perl modules (maintainer mode)
    • it runs the Perl scripts to generate source code
  • preprocessorLex.l: set Flex ptional output name to preprocessorLex.c
  • verilogaLex.l: set Flex optional output name to verilogaLex.c
  • install admsCheck: this is a test program for admsXml
  • admsXml, admsCheck: link libraries statically
    • Set static linking on Linux, OSX, Windows
    • Drop DLL support on MINGW (Win32), static linked
Posted by Guilherme 2014-08-27

adms-2.3.2 release

* moved repository to
* further cleanup, no new language features
* bump bison dependency, bison-2.6+ (tested with 2.7.1 and 3.0.2)
* update admsXml help
* use Git hash as revision number
* show OS and Compiler version
* fix make dist to create tarball
* introduce support for CMake build scripts
* update Readme and build instructions

* very little change from adms-2.3.0
* small improvements to build system and tidied up source download package.... read more

Posted by Guilherme 2014-05-14

New Operator for mot-adms page

The Qucs team has now taken over the running of the ADMS project page which has not been updated for some time. A tidied up version of the ADMS distribution sources has now been added to the download page, and the sources uploaded to a new git repo.

Posted by Richard C 2014-03-27

adms-2.2.9 release

- implemented yacc grammar for the admst language
---- added arithmetic operators
---- limitations: apply only on integers/reals
---- added | operator (or-ed of admst paths)
---- added # and @ operators
---- fixed tons of bugs
- verilog-ams parser
---- added support to arrays
---- added vla file location in adms tree (lexval)

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2008-07-09

adms-2.2.8 release

ADMS is a code generator that converts electrical compact device models specified in high-level description language into ready-to-compile c code for the API of spice simulators.

standalone xml parser (glib is no more required)
more robust admst language

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2007-12-21

adms-2.2.7 release

Portability issue:
Previous versions do not compile on sun.
Please use this one in place.

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2007-05-02

adms-2.2.5 release

1- improved admstpath parser
2- fixed CR bug in file .adms.implicit.xml

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2007-04-20

adms-2.2.4 release

1- fixed bug in building 'analogfunction' element
Items in analog functions were reverse-ordered.
2- improved vlatovla.xml script

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2006-03-31

adms-2.2.3 release

1- fixed bug
adms-2.2.2 crashes with declaration:
parameter real a=b; // b is a previous parameter
2- improved Verilog-AMS parser
better parsing of attributes
add 'attributes.xml' to the adms home page

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2006-03-28

adms-2.2.2 release

Local variables are now saved inside the adms data tree. A new adms element 'blockvariable' has been created to this purpose.
begin : A
real a1, a2,a3; //this becomes 'blockvariable'

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2006-03-24

adms-2.2.0 release

started implementation of 'analog functions'
this version works with the xml interface of ngspice

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2006-03-09

adms-2.1.2 release

fixed memory leakage

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2006-01-04

adms-2.1.0 release

Added code to handle mfactor automatically
Renamed $ddx to ddx
Fixed miscellaneous bugs

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2005-08-16

adms-2.0.0 release

adms-2 has been released.
the home page of adms is under rebuilding.

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2005-04-04

adms-1.42.0 release

new release (only source) - installation bugs fixed
zspice and ads/spectre xml interfaces updated

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2004-11-29

mailing-list created

I created a mailing for the adms project. See:

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2003-10-02

home page created

first draft of project home page created
Report any problem to

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2003-09-23

hpux, sun binaries available

adms-1.1.14: release binaries for HPUX and SUN

Posted by Laurent Lemaitre 2003-09-17