
#123 Different 'Browser mode' settings for Icon and List views

Pavel Fedin

I'd like to have a possibility to switch off browser mode when view mode is set to 'Icon', but leave them when view mode is set to 'List'.
I prefer classic navigation style when browsing in icon mode (especially opening a new window for a new directory). However browser mode with 'List' view mode is very Magellan-alike and i'd like to retain this functionality.
This could be implemented in two ways:
1. We could add 'Show toolbar in List view' checkmark next to the 'Browser mode' checkmark.
2. Instead of a 'Browser mode' checkmark we could have a cycle gadget with three items: 'Disable', 'In List view mode' and 'Always'.
The idea is to open 'My MorphOS' in List mode while opening the rest in Icon mode. In List mode a selected drawer is always opened in the same window. So opening a disk icon on the desktop gives Workbench-alike behavior (i like it because i liked the concept of Program manager in Windows 3.x which behaved the same), while double-click on desktop opens 'My MorphOS' in List mode and gives me a good filemanager.
I could help with implementing this. May i become a member of the project?


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