Elena - 2017-02-24

1.Whenever I open the MIME editor to configure or modify an existing type, if I add a new action to those already present and listed as "inherited", they get deleted. This is IMHO stupid and wrong. I mean, default (inherited) actions should still stay in place and it should be upto the user to decide on whether to keep or remove them !

2.(not sure, please investigate) when configuring an action I can select two buttons: change working directory to source, change working directory to destination. To me, there's something wrong here (but I may be wrong): if I select "change to source", I get CD to the directory where the file I invoked the menu action on resides (is this correct ? Shouldn't instead "source" mean the path of the command or script invoked on the file, and "destination" the target file instead ? If not so, then what does "destination" stand for ??). While if I select "change to destination", I get CD to ram disk:, no matter where the file resides (well, this at least is clearly a bug). But what is worse, one can actually select BOTH options together, which makes no sense, while only one option should be allowed (working dir can't be source and destination the same time, whatever their intended meaning was).

3.When I change something in the MIME prefs editor, and then I return to the main (Ambient prefs) window and I press "USE", my changes are stored permanently as though I pressed "SAVE" instead. So I can't test new changes without losing the previous ones.