Often the information text displayed in the bottom line status bar of listers (only in list mode,
NOT in icon display mode) gets corrupted, i.e overwritten without first clearing the previous
text. There also seem to be some graphics layout issues in that part, because if a too thick MUI
frame is selected in the MUI prefs for the readonly text gadgets (for example, try with
gelb/otter/1outer.png), the frame is displayed all contracted vertically (evidently the font size
governs the max height there no matter the choosen frame minimal height ?), just looking bad.
When an ambient window is in Icon Display mode there aren't rendering errors instead; but I find it
illogical that another style for the bottom bar has to be used in that case. I think it would be better if
both the listers and icon windows used the same style (possibly user configurable) for the bottom
bar. Thanks.