
#1 high port numbers not supported

Morpheus UI (1)

I was not able to set any of the three port numbers (access port, source port, destination port) to a value higher than 32767.

The error message is "Value was either too large or too small for an Int16".

Perhaps an unsigned int can be used for port numbers?


  • Daniel López

    Daniel López - 2009-08-08
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dlopezc
  • Daniel López

    Daniel López - 2009-08-08
    • labels: --> Morpheus UI
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Daniel López

    Daniel López - 2009-08-08

    Fixed. The bug seems to be in the creation of the SPA_Config Object.

    This fix would be added in the next release.

    For the time being, if you want to fix it, just open frmMain.cs and inside the function Create_Config, on the Region of tlpAdditional, replace the Convert.ToInt16 to Convert.ToInt32 for the objects nudSourcePort.Value and nudServerPort.Value.

    If you give me an email address I could send you an updated executable.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for the fix (and for releasing the Morpheus fwknop client in general)!

    As a work-around I switched to port number below 32767 so it's not an urgent issue for me.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Dulus

    Dulus - 2015-02-19

    You need also to change the declaration of the source and destination variables and structures. In attachment this is fixed, for sending and also for saving as favorite. However i have edited it VS2013 so you have to open in it in VS13 or search for changes manually.


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