
lds-scriptures v2.3.0 available

I just finished uploading the MySQL version of the new lds-scriptures release, v2.3.0. It's both a bugfix and feature release over the previous version. See CHANGELOG for details.

Some of the best things in this new package are a standardized naming scheme and some basic documentation.

Packages are online right now for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. I'll be adding Access as soon as I get a chance, but I'm reserving the other export formats (XML, Tex and CSV) until I figure out how they can be most useful. I'm already working on a Docbook format, and after that, an updated Sword module.

A lot of bugs have been found and eliminated (including inserting 62 missing scriptures from the NT), and the table layouts made a little less confusing.

I'm most excited about the standardization (based on the Church's indexing, see DOCS for more info) which solves the problems of how the volumes, books, chapters and verses should be referenced.

Thanks to everyone who helped test and report bugs!

As always, I hope this package helps out. If there's something you'd like to see added removed or fixed, please let me know.

Here's some links:

download files:


new website (in progress):


Posted by Steve Dibb 2004-10-03

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