
Mormon Documentation Project / News: Recent posts

New Development Site

I've setup a development site to track progress of the various projects on

It's at

Posted by Steve Dibb 2006-04-23

lds-scriptures v2.4.0 final releases

The latest version of lds-scriptures (a bugfix and features realease) is available now for all formats, including a new export for SQLite v3.

Posted by Steve Dibb 2005-01-20

lds-scriptures v2.4.0 available

The MySQL export of lds-scripures v2.4.0 is now available, with other export formats coming shortly. This release fixes a few bugs found in the old documentation, and adds a few new features.

The volumes and books tables now have fields for num_chapters, num_books and num_verses. There is also a new field lds_org which stores the values of the Church's naming scheme for the volumes and books on their website at

Posted by Steve Dibb 2004-11-29

lds-scriptures v2.3.0 available

I just finished uploading the MySQL version of the new lds-scriptures release, v2.3.0. It's both a bugfix and feature release over the previous version. See CHANGELOG for details.

Some of the best things in this new package are a standardized naming scheme and some basic documentation.

Packages are online right now for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. I'll be adding Access as soon as I get a chance, but I'm reserving the other export formats (XML, Tex and CSV) until I figure out how they can be most useful. I'm already working on a Docbook format, and after that, an updated Sword module.... read more

Posted by Steve Dibb 2004-10-03