
MorganaXProc (Implements XProc 1.0) / Blog: Recent posts

MorganaXProc 1.0.15 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.15 was released on 2018-12-28.
It is a bug fixing released also updating to lastest version of some required software.
For details please see relase info page.

Posted by 2018-12-28

MorganaXProc 1.0.14 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.14 was released on 2018-07-02.

Fixes a bug introduced with Rel. 1.0.13.

Posted by 2018-07-02

MorganaXProc 1.0.13 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.13 was released on 2018-06-25.
This release improves operation of the file system and fixes some bugs.
For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2018-06-25

MorganaXProc 1.0.12 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.12 was released on 2018-02-18.
This release improves usability of configuration and fixes some bugs.
For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2018-02-18

MorganaXProc 1.0.11 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.11 was released on 2017-12-30.
Highlight of this release is a new, more flexible approach to connect XSL-FO processors to MorganaXProc and two new connectors usable in p:xsl-formatter.
For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2017-12-30

MorganaXProc 1.0.10 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.10 was released on 2017-12-05.

This service update improves the usability of p:xslt and p:validate-with-schematron.

For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2017-12-05

MorganaXProc 1.0.9 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.9 was released on 2017-11-05.
It is a service release fixing some bugs and improving interface of the XPath implementation.
For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2017-11-05

MorganaXProc 1.0.8 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.8 was released on 2017-10-08.
It is a service release fixing some bugs, improving error messages and adding some new features in the XPath implementation on the way to XProc 3.0.
For details please see release info page.

Posted by 2017-10-08

MorganaXProc 1.0.7 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.7 was released on 2017-08-14.
It is a service release improving usability and fixing some bugs:

  • Improved error messages: A dynamic error (XD0030) is raised, if the namespace URI is not valid when creating an element or attribute (replaces an unspecific java exception wrap in c:error).
  • Improved error message when an element/attribute with a prefix is created, but no namespace is associated with this prefix.
  • Improved attribute creation with names in namespaces: Using existing prefixes if possible.
  • Improved element creation with names in namespaces: Removing unnecessary prefixes. (Thanks to Gerrit for pointing this out.)
  • Changed initialization process for XMLCatalog resolver: If this resolver is not used, resolver.jar is not required on the classpath anymore.
  • Changed mechanism in p:validate-with-schematron, so that XSLT 2.0 implementation is used as default, if selected XSLT processor supports 2.0 or higher.
  • Fixed a Nullpointer bug when <p:choose> has no children <p:when> or <p:otherwise>.</p:otherwise></p:when></p:choose>
  • Improved import of XSLT-functions from stylesheet with @version="3.0": Only functions marked as "public" are visible in XProc pipelines.
  • Checked with Saxon HE and Saxon HE
  • Experimental implementation to support XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9.8.x.
Posted by 2017-08-14

MorganaXProc 1.0.6 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.6 was released on 2071-06-18.

Hightlight: Major improvements in command-line interface with new switches, better exit (status) codes and connectivity for stdin, stdout and stderr. More....

- XPath: Improved error message when fn:error() is called without parameters.
- XPath: Fixed a bug in fn:matches where "$" is not correctly handled.
- XProc: Fixed a bug preventing imports with relative URIs in <p:validate-with-schematron>.
- XProc: Fixed a bug in import of schematron rules from EXPath packaging system.
- Checked with Saxon HE 9.7.18.</p:validate-with-schematron>

Posted by 2017-06-18

MorganaXProc 1.0.5 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.5 was released on 2017-03-29.

- Added support for loading optional classes and resources via CLASSPATH.
- Added support for configuration properties on command line interface.
- Improved error messages on failed validations with p:validate-with-relax-ng.
- Dto. for validations with pxp:nvdl.
- Slight performance improvements in serializer.
- Support for FOP 2.1 in p:xsl-formatter.... read more

Posted by 2017-03-29

MorganaXProc 1.0.4 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.4 was released on 2017-03-07.

It is again a service update improving usability and fixing some bugs:

  • Fixed ticket #8: Changed code so no null pointer exception is thrown anymore from JING during recursive schema import. Thanks to David for reporting.
  • Fixed ticket #9: Copyright information are separated from pipeline result, so piping results to another app in unix systems is easier. Thanks to Christophe for pointing this out to me.
  • Improved support for using Saxon in p:xslt. Features of Saxon PE and Saxon EE now are available in p:xslt. All editions of Saxon are now recognised, so you do not have to rename them anymore. Used Edition is now shown in copyright information.
  • Improved error messages in p:unescape-markup.
  • Reworked XProcSource: Pipelines and inputs can be build from a SAX- or a StreamSource now.
  • Additional pipeline informations available in Java via XProcPipeline.getInfo().
  • Checked with Saxon HE
Posted by 2017-03-07

MorganaXProc 1.0.3 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.3 was released on 2017-01-28.

It is a service release fixing some bugs:

  • Changed behaviour of p:validate-with-relax-ng: If necessary a base64 decoding is performed on a compact syntax loaded with p:data. Thanks to David for pointing this out to me!
  • Fixed a bug where an inherited namespace is not correctly copied to an implicit inline document.
  • Fixed a bug where pure whitespace nodes in XSLT stylesheets get lost.
  • Fixed ticket#6: Top level c:directory of p:directory-list does now conform to specs.
  • Fixed ticket#7: Full stop now allowed in step names and in port names. (Thanks to David for reporting these two bugs!)
  • Upgraded to httpcomponents-client-4.5.2.
  • Revised package structure and naming: Clear separation of XProc and XPath/XQuery related classes.
Posted by 2017-01-28

MorganaXProc 1.0.2 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.2. was released on 2016-12-30.

Highlight: MorganaXProc now support XPath 3.0 as expression language. For details see here.

Other improvements:

  • Fixed a bug where text defined directly under the root element of a document is lost at the result of p:escape-markup. (Thanks to Arnaud for reporting it!)
  • Fixed a bug with implicit p:inline according to the XProc 1.1 specs.
  • Fixed a bug where "=" in an URI query section of p:http-request is erroneously escaped.
  • Fixed a bug in XPath function matches() where a new line is wrongly matched by „$“.
  • Checked with SaxonHE
Posted by 2016-12-30

MorganaXProc 1.0.1 is out

MorganaXProc 1.0.1 was released on 2016-12-22

This is service release, fixing some bugs.
- Fixed a bug in p:choose and p:when, where a xxx:log/xxx:output etc. is mistakenly interpreted as a p:log, p:output etc. Thanks to Bert for reporting it!
- Fixed a bug where attribute „use-when“ is ignored in an imported library. (Also found by Bert.)
- Fixed a bug where an „unconnected port“-error is raised, although there is a pipe connection in an p:xpath-context.
- Reworked handling of XMLReader's in p:unescape-markup: Better support for nu.validator. Use: „nu.validator.htmlparser.sax.HtmlParser“ for HTMLParserClass.
- Checked with Saxon HE
- Fixed a bug resulting in a NullPointerException when the HTML parser class given in configuration is not found.
- Minor bugs fixed in XPath/XQuery implementation.

Posted by 2016-12-22

MorganaXProc goes 1.0

MorganaXProc 1.0 was released on 2016-10-24.

After twelve beta releases, MorganaXProc 1.0 finally was released.
- Import of XSLT functions into XProc's XPath context.
- Speed improvement in <p:xslt> (reworked adapters for XSLT processors).
- Added support for Saxon-HE 9.7x as XSLT/XQuery processor.
- Adapted supported XQuery connectors to processor's latest version.
- MorganaXProc now supports extension attribute mox:version on <p:xquery>.
- Speed improvement in XPath's for-expression.
- Further improvements in error messages and debugging aids.
- See for details.</p:xquery></p:xslt>

Posted by 2016-10-24

MorganaXProc 0.95-11 is out

MorganaXProc 0.95-11 was released on 2016-07-27.

Highlights are:
- Speed optimization while checking dependencies in large subpipelines.
- New option for compiler to output a dependency maps as a debugging aid.
- Console view in GUI now shows message while running a pipelines.
- Extended support for EXPath packaging system and XMLCatalog.
- Better mechanism for override-content-type in p:http-request
- Some minor bug fixes.
- See for details.

Posted by 2016-07-27

MorganaXProc 0.95-10 is out

MorganaXProc 0.95-10 was released on 2016-05-31.

Hightlight of this release is the added support for XMLCatalog.
There are a lot of minor bugfixes.
See for details.

Posted by 2016-05-31

MorganaXProc 0.95-9 is out

MorganaXProc 0.95-9 was released on 2016-01-17.

The basic new feature of this release is the implementation of "Other Proposed Steps": <pxp:nvdl />, <pxp:unzip />, <pxp:zip />, <pxp:compress />, <pxp:uncompress /> and <pxp:set-base-uri /> can be used in a pipeline by importing "". <pxp:compress /> and <pxp:uncompress /> support compression method "gzip" out of the box and is enhanceable using third party software. See documentation for details. Implementation of <pxp:nvdl /> needs third party software to be used.
With the implementation of these steps, MorganaXProc's implementation of XProc (1.0) is complete.... read more

Posted by 2016-01-17

MorganaXProc 0.95-8 is out

MorganaXProc 0.95-8 was released on 2015-10-04

These are the basic new features:

  • Functions from an XQuery module can be imported into the XPath context of XProc by using p:import,
  • XPath functions written in Java can be imported into the XPath context of XProc,
  • XProc steps written in Java can be imported into a pipeline using p:import,
  • Dependencies between steps in the same subpipeline can be controlled with extension attribute depends-on,
  • Proposed extension function pxf:cwd() is implemented.... read more
Posted by 2015-10-04

MorganaXProc 0.95-7 is out

Again, this release contains just bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug which prevents access to context node in p:xslt when option „template-name“ is used.
- Changes interface „XSLTTemplate“ in XSLTConnector to cover this case.
- Fixes a bug when p:viewport has no p:viewport-source and there is no default readable port for p:viewport.
- Corrects error message when p:viewport matches document node and more than one element should replace it.

Posted by 2015-06-03

MorganaXProc 0.95-6 is out

This is just a bug-fixing release:
- Fixed a bug that prevent p:pipeline to be used in the graphical user interface.
- Fixed a bug that lead to a null pointer exception when MorganaXProc is used from java application with unbound input ports.
- Improves error handling when a p:declare-step has just children 'p:variable'.

Posted by 2015-05-30

MorganaXProc 0.95-5 is out

MorganaXProc 0.95-5 is basically a service release with some bug fixes and some internal changes of classes and interfaces to prepare for XProc 2.0.

New features:

  • Support for proposed file extension steps: All steps proposed on are now implemented. Additionally <pxf:tempdir/> is also implemented. To use these steps in your pipeline, import their namespace uri "".
    All steps are implemented as recommended for uri scheme "file:". <pxf:info/> also works with schemes "http:" and "https:" and produces an additional attribute "content-type" in MorganaXProc's namespace for c:file and c:uri results.
  • Support for proposed os utilities: <pos:info/>, <pos:cwd/> and <pos:env/> are implemented as proposed. To use them in your pipeline, please import their namespace uri "". <pos:info/> returns all listed properties.
  • For your convenience you can import both extension libraries (and all to come in the future) by using uri "". The associated resource also contains a list of all currently implemented extension steps. The resource is not loaded by MorganaXProc, but is just used for documentation reasons.
  • In line with the new file extension steps, MorganaXProcs security system was extended to give you control over the resources accessed and modified by a pipeline. "DELETE_RESOURCE" was added to the list of security relevant operations.

Bug fixes and minor improvements:

  • Major speed improvement in XPath selections by optimizing node sequence sorting.
  • Fixes a bug in port handling of declared or imported steps.
  • Fixes a bug resulting in a ClassCastException when the result of p:xquery is not a valid xml document.
  • Improved handling of attribute value templates. Removing a bug appearing when a single quote is in variable part.
  • Fixes a bug in XPath when an external variable is bound to a sequence.
  • Fixes a problem with SaxonXSLTConnector occurring when inline stylesheets are used and pipeline uri contains a blank.
  • Fixes loading of steps via ExtensionPackages broken since Rel
  • Fixes a bug that prevents using Saxon and Xalan extensions on case sensitive file systems.

On the road to XProc 2.0:

All internal interfaces and classes related to options are now associated with their respective XDM type. At the moment, the only visible results are improved error messages (when an option is associated with a value not valid for the declared sequence type) and a more strict interpretation of valid string values for options declared as xs:boolean.

Posted by 2015-05-16

MorganaXProc 0.95-4 is out

New features:

  • Support for user defined XPath functions to XProc, XQueryConnector and XSLTConnector via XPathExtensionFunction.
  • Improved usability of resolvers for XQuery, XSLT and XPath.
  • Full access to XProcFilesystem from XQuery and XSLT.
  • Finally module import in XQuery is implemented.
  • New implementation for fn:collection(uri) in XPath and XQuery.
  • Extension attributes as in "3.8 Extension attributes“ of "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language W3C Recommendation 11 May 2010“ are now supported.
  • Improved error management: i.e. Description for XD???? and XC???? are now displayed in error document. ErrorCode is accessible via new method „getErrorCode“ from XProcOutput.
  • Adapted to new versions of Saxon ( and Apache’s HttpClient (4.4).
  • EXPath Packaging System (EXPath Candidate Module 9 May 2012) is now supported.... read more
Posted by 2015-03-08

MorganaXProc 0.95-3 is out

Check out the all new graphical user interface for XProc!

Posted by 2014-09-16