
MorePalmOS / News: Recent posts

Download links fixed

Not sure how that happened, but it's fixed now. Sorry folks!

Posted by Steven Fisher 2004-12-08

MorePalmOS 1.1 Released!

MorePalmOS 1.1 has been released. This version adds a few features and changes the license to the BOOST license, which allows for distribution in compiled form without credit.

Posted by Steven Fisher 2004-12-05

MorePalmOS 1.0.2 Released!

MorePalmOS 1.0.2 has been released. This version includes a fix to MMemPtrResizeRef() (and, thus, MMemPtrRealloc()).

Posted by Steven Fisher 2004-12-05


MorePalmOS build 1 is now available. This version is humble in the extreme, offering a fairly limited selection of functions, but what's there appears to work and is documented.

Posted by Steven Fisher 2004-11-27