
more.groupware / News: Recent posts

Mailing list move completed

Finally the move to the new mailing lists has been completed today.

I decided to manually subscribe all members of the old lists to the new lists, and you all should have gotten a welcome message by now.

If anybody has been left out, or has been subscribed by mistake, please bear with us, and use the web interface at the moregroupware project pages to (un)subscribe yourself.

And now on to a new era... :)

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-02-26

moregroupware 0.6.6 released

moregroupware is a web-based groupware package, written in PHP4. moregroupware includes modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others. The most important improvements to the 0.6.6 release are those made to the webmail2 module and enhancements to the documentation. More details are available in the release notes.

We have released version 0.6.6 of moregroupware. It is available in the files section as a tar.gz package. A zip file will be added tomorrow.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-02-18

moregroupware manual available!

For all those waiting for comprehensive, detailed and easily accessible documentation on moregroupware, times have just gotten better.

At the HTML version of the manual can be found. It integrates all available documentation in one place, and is targeted at users, developers and admins alike.

It is still missing a lot, but at least you can see where we are heading. The manual is updated nightly from the DocBook XML sources in CVS, so you can easily see the manual grow...

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-02-03

Progress report :)

Two news worth being mentioned:

1. CVS snapshots are fixed and now contain *all* the current code from CVS again. Stupid me forgot an important argiument to the CVS command.

2. There will be a new release in February, and we will have declared a fetaure freeze until then. Expect some more bug fixes until then.

Thanks for using moregroupware!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-01-17

Daily CVS snapshots working again!

The daily CVS snapshots are now available again at, providing an up-to-date glimpse on the current developer code.

This is one more step towards a working development environment, and we are looking forward to start real development again in January.

Thanks for your patience and support! Stay tuned...

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2002-12-26

CVS is up again!

Hooray, finally the CVS seems to be up and running again. I have not yet personally tested the thing, but at least the web interface shows the right code again!

Hopefully this will lead to some new development on or after the holiday season. Maybe we can start the new year with some new code...

Merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2002-12-22

Temporary CVS snapshot available

I uploaded the CVS snapshot I had on my machine to the server. Feel free to grab it, but be warned:

It might break, catch fire or turn back time. It was my working version. Use it for trial purposes only!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2002-12-10

Mailing lists and website

The website move is now complete, the domains point to the webspace by now. Expect some more cleaning up there, all should be going soon.

The mailing list archives have been imported to as well, but the subscription requests are still pending. If you write to the new lists now, no one will read it, and the messages to the old lists will not be in the new archives. Keep this in mind!

Stay tuned.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2002-12-05

Moving servers and cleaning up...

We are now in the middle of a move back to for all project related services.

While we do this, there might be wrong links and missing content on the website, the CVS does not work right now, and the mailing lists will be relocated as well.

We hope to have all up and running again in a few days, so stay tuned. Hopefully development itself will get back to speed after all that.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2002-12-02