
#519 notification iframe system

General (46)

I am currently creating a module to send sms messages
from mgw. It's in working alpha state now. One of the
problems I ran into is the following:

I need to add an extra iframe next to webmail2's. I did
that on my system, changed _footer.tpl, easy.
Problem is that it's not nice to overwrite the footer file in
the setup procedure of a module (update_post.php),
Because it's very possible that the footer template
changes in future versions and my module would
overwrite it to an old version, that's crap.

Better is ofcourse to insert my HTML/smarty code during
module setup into the existing template. This is difficult
and risky. furthermore if the footer template is changed,
again the setup might not work.

There is no way my module will work without an iframe,
because it needs the sms server to poll every now and
then to keep a session open.

In my opinion the best solution would be to create a
system inside mgw where modules can 'register' their
notification pages. You could argue that this solution is

I like the communities view on it. Programming it is
something I can do, shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks for your time!
Casper Langemeijer

btw: I love the modules system, more open source
projects should have it!


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