
Paste to not saved file

  • Andrew Lazarev

    Andrew Lazarev - 2015-09-11

    I can't paste to not saved file. Is it normal? How to fix that?
    So, if I select option from 'Paste from MoreClipboard's history' in not saved file - nothing happens.
    If I save file and do the same thing - text is inserted.

    Eclipse SDK 4.5.1
    MoreClipboard 1.2.2

    • Mikhail Barg

      Mikhail Barg - 2015-09-12

      Hi, I've just checked it in the latest Eclipse Mars, and everything seem to be working for me. Could you please describe in more details what steps exactly you are making? E.g. what do you mean by 'not saved file' and how do you issue a 'Paste from MoreClipboard' command?
      Also, does the regular Paste command works for you? MoreClipboard uses the regular Paste under shelves, so if Paste does not work, then MoreClipboard would not wor as well.


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