
importing ofbiz enetitydef and servicedef

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-14

    can easily import the ofbiz entity and service definition in moqui ?

  • David E. Jones

    David E. Jones - 2011-03-14

    There is nothing automated, that I know of, to transform OFBiz entity and
    service definitions to Moqui entity and service definitions. There are some
    differences, more for services than for entities, but neither should be too
    difficult. I recommend that you look at the various examples of entity and
    service defs in Moqui to get some ideas of the differences.

    Going up the stack things are a little more difficult. There are many more
    differences in screen and form definitions, and there is no such thing as a
    controller.xml file in Moqui, that is part of the XML screens.


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