

Chromatic Bit

Welcome to the Moonborn wiki.

We'll be uploading a couple of builds(versions) every day.
The builds are compressed in *.RAR files so you may need a program like WinRAR to extract them.
Inside each build, you will find two folders: 'bin' and 'src'.

The 'bin' folder contains the binaries (i.e., the actual game files).
Run the 'CApp.exe' file to open the game.

You will notice that there are a few other files and a folder in here.
The IMG folder contains all the image files needed for the game.
As for the other three *.DLL files... Just don't touch them.
They're crucial for the game to run.

You may also have noticed that when you close the game, a file named
'stdout.txt' is generated in the 'bin' folder. This is simply an output
log of everything that went on inside the application. It's purely for debugging
reasons so you can ignore it; unless you encounter some issues, in which case,
feel free to open this file and see if any line contains "ERROR: "...

The 'src' folder contains the source code of the game, a readme, and a true type font.
I am providing the source code for the engine free of charge, and you are free to do with
it what you wish. Just please. Don't be a total dick and upload the game elsewhere claiming
ownership of it.

The readme contains compilation instructions for anyone who may want to run or edit the

g++ CApp.cpp CSurface.cpp CEvent.cpp -o CApp/CApp.exe -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -mwindows -Wno-write-strings

The true type font is for when we implement text in the game.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

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