
MonoFlow Intuition

Kevin Rattai

This page is intended to be the expression of an idea and may or may not end up being an implementation within the core of MonoFlow.

A stateless system might suggest something that humans can't comprehend. That being, a context where we can not expressly describe our surroundings.

It is the old paradox of, "if a tree falls in a forest and there is no one around when it happens, does it make a sound?"

If we think about that question, our immediate response is likely to be, "Of course it does." That very specifically indicates our stateful nature. Since we KNOW that something like a tree makes a noise when it falls, we immediately can conclude that, if someone was around the tree when it fell, that person would hear a sound.

Here's the tricky part. If we are at a forest and we could not see a tree fall nor hear a sound of a tree falling, did a tree fall and make a sound?

That is exactly what stateless means. Without observation of an event or some observable information, we do not know that something had happened. Only some form of information can describe a state.

We know the state of our house when we leave it. If, upon our return, the state is different than when we left, we are aware of a state change. While we were gone, the house was in a stateless (in direct reference to us, the observer) context. Until we can decipher the information which will provide us with a context, such as we have a cat and it spent the day playing, we do not know what happened. Once we have that information, we can then describe a state while we were gone.

What if we knew the house would be destroyed before we even left? Well, that is what we might call human intuition. We can know a state and project possible outcomes, especially if we have historical data. We could then make sure that, before we left, the cat was in it's room so that it could not destroy the rest of the house while we were gone.

Our ability to predict future events is a large part of what makes us human. If we walk up to an object on the ground, we very quickly can determine whether we feel we can move that object, or not. There is a high probablity that we are correct, even if we do not know much information about the object. With just our eyesight, we can determine a lot about the state of an object and whether, with a specific adjustment of our bodies and a push in the right direction, we could move the object. If we try and fail, we adjust ourselves slightly or the way in which we are trying to move the object, until we do. We haven't conciously done a lot of mathematical calculations, yet we intuitively know how to move the object.

In the same way that we can quickly determine the trajectory of a baseball hit by a batter, where the ball will end up, how we can get there most efficiently and where to throw the ball in comparison to where the batter will be running around the bases, will be part of the core of MonoFlow.

This is a work in progress at this time, but it is hoped that with the use of fractals and other tools, agent nodes within a MonoFlow system will be able to use a form of intuition to determine what nodes are and how to interact with those nodes.