
monmaster / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0 Release Candidate 1

Many enhancements and much refactoring have gone into this new version. Monmaster is now capable of running as a daemon on a remote server, with most admin done through the web UI.

Posted by Craig Allen 2006-10-20

First public release: 1.0.0

Monmaster is a web site and web application monitoring tool written in Python. Monmaster version 1.0.0 has been released following extensive documentation improvement.

Monmaster has been in production use in a major corporation (in a multitiered, clustered J2EE environment), but this is the first public release.

Posted by Craig Allen 2004-02-09

project initiation

Monmaster has been running in production - and evolving - for several years, so there really is a good body of code. However, I must clean it up (mostly in the parameter XML file) to remove references to systems at my employer. As soon as that is done - hopefully early in September 2003 - working code will be made available.

Posted by Craig Allen 2003-08-21