
Tree [r40] /

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File Date Author Commit
 cmake-modules 2008-09-10 hansvonwurst [r32] ....
 src 2008-11-09 hansvonwurst [r40]
 CHANGELOG.txt 2008-09-22 hansvonwurst [r36] cleaned up gui for diploma thesis screenshots, ...
 CMakeLists.txt 2008-09-15 hansvonwurst [r34] Version 0.8
 COPYING.txt 2008-08-03 hansvonwurst [r9] Doku angepasst.
 KNOWN_BUGS.txt 2008-08-22 hansvonwurst [r27] Many different changes, for example timer marke...
 README.txt 2008-09-18 hansvonwurst [r35] ...
 TODO.txt 2008-09-15 hansvonwurst [r34] Version 0.8
 cmake_config_example.png 2008-09-15 hansvonwurst [r34] Version 0.8

Read Me


 	Monitor Royale

	Copyright 2008 - Tobias Mayer <>


Monitor Royale is an easy to use remote controllable software 
monitor for recording basis system load values. These load values
are cpu, memory and network bandwith as well as information
about process activities (process count, cpu and memory load).
It furthermore provides some analysis features like arithmetic
mean curve (adjustable through parameters).

Monitor Royale is splitted into two applications: 'monitoringagent'
for data acquisition and evaluationstation for data visualisation
and analysis. They communicate via xml rpc using ulxmlrpcpp
(see sourceforge).

There are already compiled binaries in build/bin, see Binary Hints


Please note that this documantation is still in work and 
not complete. For questions, hints or jokes don't hesitate 
to contact me.


- Compiling and Installing -
To compile MonitorRoyale you need to have installed following libraries. 
If they are not provided by the package repository you can download the sources 
from the specified url:
 -> boost ( 
 -> libcpputil (
 -> ulxmlrpcpp ( 
 -> qwt ( - only used for EvaluationSstation
 -> qt4 ( - only used for EvaluationSstation
 -> cmake 
for compiling.

After installing these libraries, change to the "build"-folder with
	"cd build"
and type
	"ccmake .."
to check the configuration (press "c" in the graphical interface). The complete
configuration is stored in "CMakeCache.txt". If no problems occure, you can 
generate the makefile by pressing "g". After that you can exit and type 
to start compiling. The binaries are then available in build/bin.

Note that especially for qwt and ulxmlrpcpp you may create symlinks (e.g. qwt is installed in a
directory named as qwt-5.2.1 but cmake looks onyl for qwt) - I needed to do that. If there are 
problems finding libraries have a look in Find*.cmake files in cmake-modules/.

- Binary Hints -
The binaries use shared libraries. boost, libcpputil are statically linked, so you
only need following being installed:
 -> ulxmlrpcpp ( 
 -> qwt ( - only used for EvaluationSstation
 -> qt4 ( - only used for EvaluationSstation

If you want to know agains what files/libs it is linked at where the have to be
use ldd.