
#383 Allow disabling of "reconciling" for certain accounts, eg wallets


For certain accounts, (eg, a "wallet" account meant to represent the cash in my wallet), "reconciling" transactions doesn't make sense. One should be able to mark accounts as such, and there will be no notion of transactions being reconciled for those accounts.


  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2015-08-30

    Simple solution: when entering a transaction to a wallet account, you immediately set the transaction to reconciled.
    If this is your main type of transaction being used, the default status can be changed to reconciled on entering a new transaction. This means that your less frequent transactions need to be set to unreconcilled. A more complicated solution, in my opinion is not warrented.

  • Prateek Karandikar

    All transactions in my wallet account are meant to always be reconciled. And all transactions in my bank account are meant to start off unreconciled (and I will reconcile them after verifying them against the bank statement). This seems like it would be a fairly common use case. So perhaps we can have per-account default statuses? So for some accounts the default status for newly added transactions could be "reconciled" but not for others.


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