

Teunis Middelkoop


Some knowledge about double entry accounting.
Installation on a Linux PC. (A MS-Windows version has to be developed.)
A relevant HTTP Server should be installed. I advice “apache2”
MySQL community server or MariaDB should be installed and PhpMyAdmin.
For help with the above consult the internet for LAMP configuration.

On the MySQL server create a database named “MT_biz2021” and “MT_priv2021”
Create on the server a user with all privileges to the 2 databases and of course a password for that user.
On a KDE desktop the program “Okular” should be available. For GNOME use “Evince”.
Install on the workstation (your computer) “cups-pdf” . It is not installed by default.
On your machine open the cups-pdf configuration file In my case /etc/cups-pdf.conf

Default: /var/spool/cups-pdf/${USER}

This is O.K.


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