
Tree [077979] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 src 2016-06-29 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [077979] Sync commit
 COPYING.txt 2016-05-26 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [f81281] Initial commit
 CodeStyle.txt 2016-05-26 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [562f28] Project description files should be complete; R...
 DOCUMENTATION.txt 2016-05-26 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [f81281] Initial commit
 INSTALL.txt 2016-05-26 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [562f28] Project description files should be complete; R...
 README.txt 2016-05-27 Andreas Amereller Andreas Amereller [785bb1] Sync commit

Read Me

Mondschein Engine README

The Mondschein Engine is a performant, flexible, and powerful, yet easy-to-use real-time 3D graphics rendering engine.
The engine is written in C++ and supports a variety of graphics libraries (e.g. SDL, GLUT, FXML, Qt) as front-ends.
Its primary back-end is OpenGL but it is possible to also implement other renderer back-ends (e.g. Direct3D).

This file contains all basic information regarding the Mondschein Engine package.

This project is free software. You may use, modify, or redistribute it with or without modifications under the terms of the
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 of the license or (at your option) any later version.
This project comes with absolutely no warranty, without even the implied warranty of mechantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
You should have received a copy of the GPLv3 along with this package. Otherwise you can download the document from "".

The documentation of the project is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) version 1 of the license or (at your
option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the FDLv1 along with this package. Otherwise you can get it from ""

The file COPYING.txt contains the full license text of the GNU GPLv3.
The file DOCUMENTATION.txt contains the full license text of the GNU FDLv1.
The file INSTALL.txt contains the installation information.

The file CodeStyle.txt contains the coding conventions for this project and <richtet sich an> developers and contributors.