
#251 WARNING: win32pipe.popen() failed

bug list
win32 (17)

When I run it normally, it tells me

DEBUG (TCPCommsHandler): [2001-01-04_08:02:16]: successfully bound to port 20001.
DEBUG (ipaddresslib): [2001-01-04_08:02:16]: NOTE: if the broker incorrectly determines your IP address try
DEBUG (ipaddresslib): [2001-01-04_08:02:16]: editing config/broker/broker.conf and set USE_ROUTE_TO_GET_WIN32_IPADDR: yes
DEBUG (ipaddresslib): [2001-01-04_08:02:16]: I think your IP Address is 10.[wrong IP]

This is because my DSL conenction uses NAT addressing so it converts a static 10.*.*.* IP to a dynamic internet-readable IP whenever I make a net connection.

So I try setting USE_ROUTE_TO_GET_WIN32_IPADDR: yes and I get:

DEBUG (TCPCommsHandler): [2001-01-04_08:12:32]: successfully bound to port 20001.
DEBUG (ipaddresslib.win32): [2001-01-04_08:12:32]: WARNING: win32pipe.popen() failed reverting to os.popen() to call ROUTE to obtain IP address
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] Broker caught a FATAL ERROR:
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] Traceback (most recent call last):
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "<string>", line 151, in main
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "<string>", line 389, in launch_all_components
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "<string>", line 600, in initialize_mtms
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 261, in __init__
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 351, in start_listening
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 176, in start_listening
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 198, in start_listening
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 86, in get_primary_ip_address
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 219, in read_win32_default_ifaceaddr
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] File "d:\sandbox\evil\common\", line 242, in _route_read_win32_default_ifaceaddr
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] WindowsError: [Errno 2] The system cannot find the file specified
DEBUG: [2001-01-04_08:12:32] Broker shutting down.

Mojo is installed to the Default windows DIR


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