
#250 Mojonation does not run on Redhat 7.0

bug list
core (102)

I have python 1.5.2 installed but the broker shuts down wit the follwing errors:

DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] Broker caught a FATAL ERROR:
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] Traceback (innermost last):
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/client/localhost/", line 151, in main
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] broker.launch_all_components()
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/client/localhost/", line 389, in launch_all_components
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] apply(self.initialize_mtms, self.mojohttpd.wait_for_key_encryption())
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/client/localhost/", line 600, in initialize_mtms
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] keyID = ServicesMTM_ID)
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/common/", line 253, in __init__
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] self._mesgen=mesgen.MessageMaker(dir=os.path.join(dbparentdir, keyID), serialized=serialized, recoverdb=recoverdb)
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/common/", line 524, in __init__
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] self._session_keeper = SessionKeeper(dbparentdir=None, dir=dir, recoverdb=recoverdb)
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/common/", line 149, in __init__
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10], db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_INIT_MPOOL | db.DB_INIT_LOCK | db.DB_THREAD | db.DB_INIT_LOG | db.DB_INIT_TXN | privateflag | recoverflag)
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] File "/home/stephen/mojonation/evil/common/", line 23, in open
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] return apply(, (self,) + _args, _kwargs)
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] db.error: (-30999, "DB_INCOMPLETE: Sync didn't finish")
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:10] Broker shutting down.
DEBUG (DoQ): [2001-01-01_23:46:10]: DoQ: Shutting down the DoQ.
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:11] asyncore poller thread exiting.
DEBUG (Broker): [2001-01-01_23:46:11]: Could not shutdown 'ServicesMTM', no attribute 'shutdown' found.
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:11] entering MTM.shutdown for <abO3>
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:11] exiting MTM.shutdown for <abO3>, '<MojoTransaction.MojoTransactionManager instance at 844c438>'
DEBUG (Broker): [2001-01-01_23:46:13]: Could not shutdown '__blockstorelib', no attribute 'clean_shutdown' found.
DEBUG (Broker): [2001-01-01_23:46:13]: Could not shutdown 'content_tracker', no attribute 'shutdown' found.
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:13] Exiting with errorcode 1
Exception db.error: (22, 'Invalid argument') in <method SessionKeeper.__del__ of SessionKeeper instance at 8440ed8> ignored
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:13] <MojoTransaction.MojoTransactionManager instance at 8440fa8> __del__ called
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'None' object has no attribute 'shutdown'" in <method Paytool.__del__ of Paytool instance at 8451548> ignored
DEBUG: [2001-01-01_23:46:13] <MojoTransaction.MojoTransactionManager instance at 844c438> __del__ called
Unhandled exception in thread:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 384, in __bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 134, in print_exc
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'exc_info'
Unhandled exception in thread:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 384, in __bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 134, in print_exc
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'exc_info'
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'None' object has no attribute 'error'" in <method BlockStore.__del__ of BlockStore instance at 833c2d8> ignored
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'None' object has no attribute '__del__'" in <method BLBlockStore.__del__ of BLBlockStore instance at 8330f98> ignored


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