
ModbusPal Endpoint from a VM

  • Michael Johannes


    I'm relatively new to Modbus, but I've got ModbusPal up and running on a remote VM, with a single slave and simple ramp function of data. I'm trying to pull the tags to a local "Edge Device" to then send the data to the cloud as a test demonstration. I'm having trouble connecting to the ModbusPal to get the data tags. Do I just use the IP Address of the VM and then port 502? In my Edge Device config, I've tried https://<ip address="" of="" VM="">:502 and tcp://<ip address="" of="" VM="">:502. When I run the logs of the Edge Device, it isn't making the connection. Do I need to specify the slave, called 1:test or is there another "endpoint" I need to use to collect the data.

    Thanks for the help,

  • darkweb

    darkweb - 2019-11-09

    Hi there,
    I'm not sure what you're trying to do. ModbusPal opens up a port and listens for the protocol. First off make sure you can see that the port has been opened. This is done differently depending on the OS you are running it on:

    If the port is open, make sure you don't have firewalls blocking the ports. Once you've confirmed that it is open, you should be able to connect to it. Since this is TCP modbus, the slave address is irrelevant.

    Hope that helps!


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