
Apache httpd SASL auth backend provider / News: Recent posts

mod_authn_sasl 1.0.2 released

Changes to the build system so that is builds properly on BSDs. See the file Changelog included in the tarball for more details.

Posted by Heiko Hund 2008-04-04

Updated build system

Just committed the changes to the build system. Autoconf, automake and libtool are used to build the module now.

Additionally apxs is used to get some information about apache httpd and how modules should be built for it.

Wrote some M4 macros that wrap up the whole stuff into a nice package. With them you are able to say what versions of httpd a module is compatible with. Just include, e.g.

AP_HTTPD_MODULE([>=2.2])... read more

Posted by Heiko Hund 2007-02-02

Apache httpd SASL auth backend provider project started

Today I started hacking. Let's see if I can come up with something committable soon.

Posted by Heiko Hund 2007-01-05