
Issues on Ubuntu, realm requirement

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-07

    Got a safety issue on ubuntu (apache2 together with mod_authn_sasl). I can't seem to make the realm requirement a real requirement. It is possible to state "user@realm" as username during login to override the auth settings in apache. This leads to if I got two different sites with sasl password protection (say site "a" and site "b", realms same name as site), any user bound to realm "a" could access realm "b" by logging in with "username@a". Have tried several different configuration setups but I can't seem to find any solution.

    My settings currently are :
    <LocationMatch "/svnrel/login">
                    AuthType Basic
                    AuthName "Trac Authentication"
                    AuthBasicProvider sasl
                    AuthSaslAppname passwd
                    AuthSaslRealm svnrel
                    AuthBasicAuthoritative On
                    AuthSaslPwcheckMethod auxprop
                    Require valid-user

    and my saslauthd config for apache lists:

    pwcheck_method: auxprox
    auxprox_plugin: sasldb
    mech_list: PLAIN

    Versions: Apache = 2.2.14, mod_authn_sasl = 1.1-1

  • Heiko Hund

    Heiko Hund - 2011-01-11

    This is indeed an issue. The module should check for @<realm> in usernames when an AuthSaslRealm is configured and compare the two before passing the username to the SASL lib. Thanks for the report. I'll provide a new version soon.

  • Heiko Hund

    Heiko Hund - 2011-01-28

    AuthSaslRealm in v1.2 should work for you.


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